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ASP.NET Core 3 entries

File Upload with ASP.NET Core and Angular

Mar 29 2021 / 6 comments / 7492 reads

A frequently required feature in modern applications is being able to upload and download files. In this post, we're going to implement file uploads with ASP.NET Core and Angular. In future posts, I'll show you more sophisticated features such as drag & drop support, multiple file uploads, validation, and previews.

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Export data to Excel with ASP.NET Core

Mar 24 2021 / No comments / 6146 reads

A while ago I had to export some data to Excel from an ASP.NET Core website. I have implemented a lot of exporting in the past with ASP.NET and C# in general, it was fun to explore different options and port them to ASP.NET Core. In this post, I'll show you how you can generate Excel files using the ClosedXML library.

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The ASP.NET Core Security Headers Guide

Mar 23 2021 / 1 comment / 4000 reads

This post is a sum-up of how to make it more difficult for hackers to compromise your ASP.NET (MVC, Web API, Core) website in general. In the following paragraphs, I have listed a number of HTTP headers that are easily configured and that everyone should implement.

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